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来源: 发布时间:2021-01-28 13:27:06 浏览:


Tianfu International Technology Transformation Center(ITTC) Officially Launched
    国际技术转移正在全球范围内迅速展开,垄断化程度较高的国际技术转移与日俱增、技术转移供给日趋多极化、技术转移由单向性向双向性发展,技术的双向转移、优势互补、相互促进,已成为当今世界技术转移的必然趋势。 建设天府新区国际技术转移中心是服务国家全面开放新格局、全面落实新时代西部大开发战略的重要一环,是建设内陆开放经济高地、服务全省“一干多支、五区协同”“四向拓展、全域开放”战略的务实行动,是服务成渝加快建设全国重要的科技创新中心的关键一招,是天府新区加快科技创新引领高质量发展的坚实基底。
   International technology transformation is rapidly expanding on a global scale. Trade-style international technology transformation with a high degree of monopoly is increasing day by day.
   The construction of the Tianfu International Technology Transformation Center(ITTC) is an important part of serving the new pattern of the nation’s comprehensive opening up and fully implementing the western development strategy in the new era. It is also an important part of building an open economic highland and serving the province’s important strategies. The pragmatic action of the "Expanding and Global Opening" strategy is a key move to serve Chengdu& Chongqing to accelerate the construction of an important national innovation center, and is a solid foundation for the Tianfu New Area to accelerate scientific and technological development.
   由成都市政府发起的天府国际技术转移中心在天府新区天府海创园启动。中心面向全球技术转移需求,建立汇聚国内外技术的信息平台。依托天府新区已有的产业平台与资源以及运营团队在国内外的多年产业布局和积累, 联合国内外技术转移机构,同步打通国际技术转移通道,以统一开放的技术市场为纽带, 形成紧密互动的技术交易网络。构建线上加线下的全链条、多要素协作网络,实现技术转移、 投融资、 创业孵化、 知识产权等的多方协同互动。依托国际创新资源,吸引和培养国际型科技人才,打造成为全球技术转移网络的重要枢纽地、国内技术创新资源关键集散地、中西部技术转移的核心辐射地。
   ITTC is a regional technology transformation platform promoted by Tianfu New Area. Relying on the existing industrial platform and resources in Tianfu New Area and the years of industrial accumulation of the operating team, it unites with domestic and foreign technology institutions to simultaneously open up international technology transformation channels. ITTC uses a unified and open technology market as a link to form a close interactive technology trading network. Relying on international innovation resources, attract and train international scientific and technological talents, and build it into an important hub for the global technology transformation network, a key distribution center for domestic technology innovation resources, and a core center in the Midwest.

   ITTC is located in Tianfu Overseas High-Talents Creative Park, Tianfu New Area. As an important node for the construction of the “the Belt and Road Initiatives” and the “Yangtze River Economic Belt”, Tianfu New Area is a new urban area determined by the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan for The Western Development Drive” and the “Regional Plan for Chengdu&Chongqing Economic Zone” approved by the State Council. Also, it is a comprehensive functional area for major development and strategic tasks. Tianfu Overseas High-Talents Creative Park covers an area of 238 acres and has a total construction area of 700,000 square meters. It is the first batch of demonstration parks for high-quality science and innovation spaces in Chengdu.

Focusing Areas
1. In order to serve the development layout of Tianfu New Area and the new economy industry, carry out transnational transformation in the field of information technology
   Focusing on the development needs of the new economic industry in Tianfu New Area with the digital economy as the core, ITTC chose the information technology field as the key direction for technology transformation, and cooperated with Israel, Sweden, Singapore, Austria and other countries.

2. For the strategic positioning of the construction of a park city in Tianfu New Area, carry out transnational transfer in the field of environmental protection
   In the process of constructing a beautiful and livable park city with high standards, the environmental protection industry has been selected as the key direction of technology transformation. Meanwhile, cooperate with Israel, Singapore, Austria and other countries in the future.

3. For the needs of industrial development, carry out transnational transformation in the field such as life sciences
   Focusing on the development direction of key industries in Sichuan Province and Chengdu City, combining existing resources and advantages, continuing to carry out technology transformation in the fields of life sciences, new materials, urban modern agriculture, aerospace, space astronomy, nuclear energy and nuclear technology. Strive for future cooperation with Israel, Singapore, Austria and other countries.

Core functions
1. Information Service Platform
   Facing the needs of global technology transformation, establish an information platform that gathers domestic and foreign technology information. Dynamically release information about policies, talents, funds, technologies, cooperative projects, and various activities related to technology transfer, and gather data such as transfer projects, network information of cooperative institutions, and expert information.

2. Technology Transaction
   Relying on the North American Innovation Centers that have been deployed at home and abroad, and the future offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Singapore,  ITTC will promote the use of scientific and technological achievements through various forms such as R&D cooperation, technology transfer, technology licensing, and valuation investment, and realize the effective connection between industry and demand.
3. Technical Services
   Provide technology transformation services, build a multi-element collaboration network between online and offline. Provide market-oriented services on matters such as technology transfer, technical training, negotiation, intellectual property rights, and legal consultation globally.

4. Talent Introduction and Cultivation
   Introduce high-end international talents and attract world-class experts and scientific researchers to develop in Chengdu with an exceptional ecological environment. Relying on the national training base, cultivate international science and technology talents.
5. Science and Innovation Space
   Gather domestic and foreign projects to create a high-quality scientific and technological innovation space. The space will include: technology exhibition halls, information platforms, roadshow rooms, independent office spaces, shared meeting rooms, café and dining areas, etc. Provide incubation and growth cultivation services for projects, and at the same time introduce investment funds to accelerate enterprise development.

Strategic Partners
   International partners currently carrying out technology transformation include: Israel, the United Kingdom, Finland, Germany, Belgium, Indonesia, Ukraine, Japan, Canada, the United States...

Let’s Embrace Boundless Possibilities
Ÿ The information service platform has first batch of 20 free projects to settle in, and released project introductions and cooperation needs to global partners.  
Ÿ The international technology exhibition hall is collecting technology products in related fields for offline display and trading.
Ÿ The first phase of 2000 square meters of high-quality scientific and technological innovation space will be opened and settled in areas such as electronic information, environmental protection technology, cultural and creative industries, new materials, intelligent manufacturing, etc.
Ÿ We welcome all enterprises, institutions, universities, and alliances to join to link domestic and foreign industrial resources.

Location: Building 2-2,17F Tianfu Overseas High-Talents Creative Park- Tianfu New Area -Sichuan 
Transportation: Metro Line 18 (Xinglong Station)

张女士: 18081988902
欧阳先生: 18980653728 
Mr.Ouyang: 18980653728
Email: BP@ittcgroup.com
